Maximizing ROI: How Lead Capture Apps Can Help Sponsors And Exhibitors At Association Events

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In today’s digital age, lead capture apps have become a necessity for sponsors and exhibitors at association events. These apps provide valuable insights into attendees, streamline the lead collection process, personalize follow-up communication, track ROI, and increase brand visibility. In this article, we will explore the benefits of using lead capture apps and provide some live data to support their effectiveness.

Streamlining the Lead Collection Process

Collecting leads manually can be time-consuming and prone to errors. By using a lead capture app, exhibitors can easily and accurately capture attendee information, eliminating the need for manual data entry. In addition, lead capture apps can help exhibitors qualify leads in real time, saving them time and resources by focusing on high-quality leads.

Personalizing Follow-Up Communication

Once leads are captured, follow-up communication is critical to converting them into customers. According to MarketingSherpa, personalized messaging can increase conversion rates by 29%. By using a lead capture app, exhibitors can personalize follow-up communication based on the specific interests and needs of each lead. This personalized approach not only increases the chances of conversion but also helps build long-lasting relationships with prospects.

Tracking ROI

Measuring ROI is essential to determine the success of an event and justify the investment to stakeholders. With lead capture apps, exhibitors can track the ROI of their participation in real time. They can track metrics such as the number of leads generated, the cost per lead, and the conversion rate of those leads. This data helps exhibitors make data-driven decisions and adjust their strategy for future events.

Increasing Brand Visibility

Lead capture apps can also help increase brand visibility. By using a branded lead capture app, exhibitors can showcase their brand to attendees throughout the lead collection process. This increases the chances of attendees remembering the exhibitor’s brand and seeking them out after the event. In addition, branded lead capture apps provide a professional appearance and increase the credibility of the exhibitor.

Live Data Supporting the Effectiveness of Lead Capture Apps

A live example of the effectiveness of lead capture apps is shown by a study conducted by the Center for Exhibition Industry Research. They found that exhibitors who used lead retrieval systems generated 35% more leads than those who did not. In addition, 57% of exhibitors who used lead retrieval systems found the technology to be very valuable, and 54% said it helped them achieve their marketing goals.


In conclusion, lead capture apps have become a necessity for sponsors and exhibitors at association events. They streamline the lead collection process, personalize follow-up communication, track ROI, and increase brand visibility. By using these apps, exhibitors can generate more leads, increase conversion rates, and make data-driven decisions. The live data supporting the effectiveness of lead capture apps confirms their importance in maximizing ROI at association events.

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